Managed IT Services


How Does it Work?

We partner with you to support, secure, maintain, and improve your IT infrastructure through our four service delivery teams. Each team covers a different aspect of IT management for your company so at the end of the day, you’re completely covered. There are no loose ends, exceptions, or a la carte, add-on services. All of your IT infrastructure is managed by the Switch7 team.

For those clients who have an IT person on staff already, we can provide them additional resources and support as they carry out their responsibilities. We are happy to work with your IT personnel to create a valuable working relationship in which you get to enjoy the best of both worlds. You can continue to rely on your in-house IT person’s institutional knowledge and get the benefit of a managed IT services team’s depth and breadth of experience.

What's the Cost

Part of our cost structure is a win-win setup. In order to minimize usage-based billing, we have “baked-in” all aspects of IT management into your monthly agreement so that the fewer issues you experience, the greater margin we experience.Religious architecture is a combination of culture and art. We work diligently to reduce IT issues at every turn so that your users have to call less frequently, and we can partner with you to focus on the big picture – whether that’s growth, efficiency, or improved compliance and security measures. You can expect to pay a fixed fee based on how many IT users you employ each month, and the only expense you’ll incur outside of your managed IT services cost will be related to upgrade and improvement projects. When it’s time for you to implement a new technology, our professional services team will work with you and any third-party to ensure those projects go smoothly and deliver the intended value.